
2023年2月21日—Chrome110willautomaticallydiscardbackgroundtabs.Here'showtostopit.MemorySaverwilldiscardandreloadidletabs,whichcould ...,ChromeFlagsthatmakeyourbrowsingexperienceexponentiallybetter·1.ShowAutofillpredictions·2.Tabfreezeanddiscard·3.Paralleldownloading·4.,,2020年2月4日—TabDiscarding/ProactiveTabFreezeconstantlyrefreshingmytabs·First,closeallopenwindowsandapps.·Then,turnoffyourChro...

Chrome 110 will automatically discard background tabs. ...

2023年2月21日 — Chrome 110 will automatically discard background tabs. Here's how to stop it. Memory Saver will discard and reload idle tabs, which could ...

The 7 Chrome Flags You Should Enable (And 2 You Shouldn't)

Chrome Flags that make your browsing experience exponentially better · 1. Show Autofill predictions · 2. Tab freeze and discard · 3. Parallel downloading · 4.

Tab DiscardingProactive Tab Freeze constantly refreshing ...

2020年2月4日 — Tab Discarding/Proactive Tab Freeze constantly refreshing my tabs · First, close all open windows and apps. · Then, turn off your Chromebook.

Enable Tab Freezing in Google Chrome

2019年12月11日 — Open the Google Chrome browser · Select the option Enabled from the drop-down list next to the 'Tab Freeze' item. · Restart Google Chrome by ...

[Tip] Enable Tab Freeze or Tab Suspend Feature in Google ...

2019年12月15日 — This tutorial will help you in activating and enabling a brand new feature in Google Chrome web browser known as “Proactive Tab Freezing“.

Chrome 超實用隱藏功能Tab Freeze 自動凍結你沒在用的分頁

2019年12月19日 — Chrome 擴充外掛商店中,雖然有不少可整理分頁的免費工具,來解決分頁越開越多導致電腦運行變慢的問題,但這必須花心思整理,說實在也挺麻煩。

So what happened to chrome:flags#proactive-tab-freeze

2019年10月28日 — I couldn't find it in 78. EDIT: The original flag (chrome://flags#proactive-tab-freeze-and-discard) was set to expire in 75, actually ...

Chrome's new feature will stop tabs from eating all your RAM

2019年10月14日 — Google is testing a new feature for Chrome that lets the browser 'freeze' tabs that have been running in the background to free up memory.

How to Enable or Disable Tab Freezing in Google Chrome

2019年12月12日 — Tab freezing can help to free up CPU and RAM (memory) resources and save battery life. This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the ...